New Zealand’s copyright minister starts screaming when asked whether it’s fair to cut people off from the Internet on the basis of three unsubstantiated accusations of copyright infringement

Posted by Cory Doctorow,

La fameuse Viviane Reding, commissaire européenne chargée de la société de l’information et des médias, connue pour ses nombreuses prises de position sur le secteur des télécoms et d’Internet, a adressé hier une lettre à…

The European Commission has turned down French President Sarkozy’s request that it reject the last minute Amendment 138 to the Telecoms Package, introduced and passed at the end of…

MEMO/08/607 Brussels, 7 October 2008 Commission position on President Sarkozy’s letter on Amendment 138 adopted by the European Parliament in plenary vote on…

Everybody knew that when the French under N. Sarkozy assumed Presidency of the Council strange things would happen. Indeed, Aigrain mocked it in his blog. Sarkozy…

von Simon Muller

Let it be clear that as the Commissioner for Information Society & Media, one of my key concerns is to ensure that the…

The European Union has avoided controversy (but annoyed the French) by voting no to a policy that would have seen internet users cut for illegally downloading…

Various readers are sending in good news from Europe on the rights front. First, at the EU level, Mark.J brings word that the European Parliament has…