The UK government has rowed back from what appeared to be position that supported a version of the ‘3 strikes and you’re out’ approach to Internet file sharing ‘offenders’.

Paris, le 26 janvier – La commission des affaires juridiques (JURI) du Parlement Européen a voté la semaine dernière le rapport Medina sur les droits d’auteur. Ce rapport va à l’encontre de ses objectifs initiaux…

Internet service providers will not be forced to disconnect users who repeatedly flout the law by illegally sharing music and video files, The Times has learnt.

Andy Burnham, the Culture Secretary, said last year that the…

An anonymous reader writes « In a study conducted by TNO for the Dutch government the economic effects of filesharing are found to be positive.

De economische effecten van file sharing op de Nederlandse welvaart op de korte en de lange termijn zijn per saldo positief. Consumenten krijgen als gevolg van file sharing toegang tot een breed scala aan cultuurproducten.…

Online video-sharing sites are scoring another major legal victory, as a federal judge is ruling that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act protects such sites from copyright violations if they abide by takedown notices as…

Next month, New Zealand is scheduled to implement Section 92 of the Copyright Amendment Act. The controversial act provides ‘Guilt Upon Accusation’, which means that if a file-sharer is simply accused of copyright infringement, they…

Éric Besson pourrait être remplacé à son secrétariat d’État par un lobbyiste.

En effet, selon PC INpact Frédéric Lefebvre serait pressenti pour remplacer Eric Besson.