
German telecommunications giant Deutsche Telekom sparked controversy this week with plans to curtail flat-rate DSL speeds once certain data thresholds are reached. Customers, Internet advocates and the German government are all concerned. […]

Interpellé sur la réalité du DPI en France, le gouvernement s’est efforcé de rappeler les différentes infractions existantes, comme le viol du secret des correspondances. Le gouvernement a aussi souligné que l’usage du DPI pouvait…

A German privacy regulator fined Google €145,000 on Monday for the systematic, illegal collection of personal data while it was creating the Street View mapping service, and called on European lawmakers to significantly raise fines…

Authorities in Japan are so worried about their inability to tackle cybercrime that they are asking the country’s ISPs to block the use of Tor. […]

In what is being described as the biggest domain crackdown since US Homeland Security seized more than 70 domains in 2010, Italy has targeted more than two dozen BitTorrent, cyberlocker and other file-sharing sites. The…

Almost half of Democrats support info-sharing bill despite Obama’s veto threat. […]

The legislation grants companies broad legal immunity when they share information related to online threats with one another and with the federal government. Advocates…

L’industria delle telecomunicazioni teme per la revisione della direttiva sull’enforcement della tutela del diritto d’autore. L’adozione di misure tecniche restrittive sarebbe nefasta per le libertà digitali. […]

Robert Silvie returned to his parents’ home for a Mardi Gras visit this year and immediately noticed something strange: common websites like those belonging to Apple, Walmart, Target, Bing, and eBay were displaying unusual ads.…

The poorest people in the world achieve hardly any physical privacy. They can’t afford it. A billion people enjoy Facebook because it’s free. What parallels can we draw? […]