[Spiegel] Government Wary of Telekom Limits on Flat Rate DSL Access

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German telecommunications giant Deutsche Telekom sparked controversy this week with plans to curtail flat-rate DSL speeds once certain data thresholds are reached. Customers, Internet advocates and the German government are all concerned. […]

Rösler also warned against possible curtailments for flat-rate customers, adding that the German government and competition authorities would « very carefully follow ongoing developments with regard to a possible differential treatment of (Telekom’s) own and rival services under the aspect of net neutrality. » […]

The press release also noted that Telekom has announced that, starting in 2016, high-speed Internet access could become more expensive for some customers. According to the company, the alternative would be an across-the-board rate increase for all customers: « We have consciously decided against this, » the company said. Instead, customers who require above-average high-speed volumes may have to pay extra in the future. […]
