[PCWorld] Google-Verizon Pact Proves Need for Real Net Neutrality

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The Internet is abuzz with reports that the sky is falling and the end is near following the Google-Verizon proposal for « net neutrality« . On the contrary, Google and Verizon did the Internet a huge favor by demonstrating exactly why net neutrality is necessary, and creating a backlash strong enough to drive Congress and the FCC to do the right thing.

[…] Putting « net neutrality » lipstick on that pig didn’t really fool anyone, though, and ultimately Google and Verizon helped the FCC cause for real net neutrality and did the general public a favor by proving why it’s needed.

If net neutrality were a game of chess, though, the industry players may have outwitted the FCC and dodged increased regulatory oversight of wired and wireless broadband simply by dragging things out. […]
